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Starting 9AM EET - Helsinki Time


We open the doors - Welcome!


9.00 (EEST)

Opening remarks by our moderator

Nina Rahkola, Journalist, Tv-Host


9.05 ​

Sustainable Business Leadership and Innovation

  • The role of CxO’s in shaping the future of sustainable business

  • Corporate diplomacy and activism - balancing profit and principles

  • How sustainable product development spurs innovation and growth


Technology as Catalysts for Sustainability

  • AI and Machine Learning as drivers of sustainable transformation

  • Greening technology stacks - The path to low-carbon IT

  • Challenges and barriers to technology adoption: the economic, regulatory, and social challenges in adopting sustainable technologies



Networking Break



Expanding the Horizon of Sustainability​

  • The expansive scope of clean technology - beyond energy

  • Scope 3 emissions - achieving transparency in the supply chain

  • Broadening sustainability programs - inclusive and holistic approaches



Engaging Stakeholders in Sustainability​

  • Corporate social responsibility (CSR) - Going beyond the bottom line

  • Green marketing strategies - authentic branding in the age of eco-consciousness

  • Social collaboration for greater Impact - uniting across sectors



Innovating Towards Net-Zero: Pathways and Technologies

  • The latest innovations and technological advancements that companies are leading or adopting to reach net-zero emissions

  • The impact of governmental policies and international agreements on accelerating progress towards net-zero goals

  • Identify the main obstacles faced by industries in the transition to net-zero and what are the potential solutions



Lunch Break & Networking



Circular Economy in Action​

  • Practical examples of circular economy principles being applied across different industries

  • How technology, including digital platforms, IoT, and blockchain, is enabling circular economy practices

  • Strategies and practices for minimizing waste and maximizing resource efficiency in production and consumption

  • How companies can design waste out of their systems and turn it into a business opportunity



Sustainable Finance and Investment​

  • How companies can attract sustainable investments

  • The role of financial markets in driving corporate sustainability

  • The financial instruments designed to support climate change mitigation and adaptation

  • Investing in green - environmental finance as a business imperative

  • Future trends in sustainable finance and investment



Cross-Industry Collaboration for Sustainability​

  • How industries can work together to solve common sustainability challenges, share resources, and innovate

  • Partnerships between tech, manufacturing, energy, and other sectors

  • The role of innovation hubs, accelerators, and incubators in fostering cross-industry solutions for sustainability challenges

  • The future of cross-industry collaboration for sustainability: Emerging trends and the evolving landscape of sustainability



Networking Break



The Role of Digitalization in Sustainable Business

  • How digital technologies and data analytics can enhance sustainability efforts, from improving energy efficiency to enabling smarter supply chains and product lifecycle management

  • How digital technologies support circular economy models through resource optimization, recycling, and reuse

  • Metrics and frameworks for assessing the effectiveness of digitalization strategies in achieving sustainability targets



Corporate Culture for a Sustainable Future

  • How leadership styles, corporate culture, and employee engagement can influence and accelerate a company's sustainability journey

  • The importance of embedding sustainability into the company’s core values

  • Strategies to engage employees in sustainability initiatives, making sustainability a part of everyone's role




End of Day

Nina Rahkola, Journalist, Tv-Host



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